7th Biomethane Congress in Poland

7th Biomethane Congress in Poland
Ready to act. Biomethane: feasible and beneficial
WHERE: Earth Hall in Poznań Congress Centre
WHEN: May 21-22, 2024
Due to the rapidly growing interest in biomethane around the world, Poland is also becoming more and more involved in this hot topic. It seems that legislators have noticed the enormous potential of biomethane and a role it can play in ensuring the country's energy security.
In May, during the 7th Biomethane Congress, we will take a closer look at this fascinating topic and try to answer the question whether a breakthrough awaits us.
This year, the publisher of ,,Magazyn Biomasa” invites representatives of the biogas and biomethane industry to participate in the 7th edition of the Biomethane Congress, which will be held in the Earth Hall in Poznań Congress Centre on May 21-22, 2024.
Conference programme
Poland is ready to act on development of the biomethane market. The deployment of biomethane to replace fossil fuels does not require the large investments to develop new infrastructure. The existing gas infrastructure is biomethane-ready. We need regulations for biomethane, support scheme for installations larger then 1 MW, establishing the rules for connecting new installations to the gas network and adopting a certification system for sustainable biomethane.
Find out more on the programme of the Biomethane Congress!
Expo Zone
The Biomethane Congress is the largest industry event in Poland, which combines the Conference & Expo formula.
The Expo Zone during the Biomethane Congress is a unique opportunity to present your offer to people interested in investing in biogas and biomethane. Expo, as a supplement to the conference formula, is also a guarantee of reaching representatives of associations and think-tanks as well as representatives of public administration and the world of science. The unique exhibition of stands and targeted reach make it the most effective way to find new customers, as well as strengthen the position among the existing ones.
Want to join? Contact biometan@magazynbiomasa.pl