Snapshot Survey 2023: Cogeneration from biogas and biomethane to achieve decarbonisation targets
Market and policy
Hans Korteweg presents the 2023 Snapshot Survey. A total of 15 countries, representing about 88% of the installed capacity in Europe, contributed to the document reporting their data on the cogeneration market. The results? While in some countries investments in natural gas cogeneration have decreased, in others such as the Czech Republic, Romania and Poland they have grown. In addition, due to the recent gas crisis, in some countries the incentives have been discontinued, while in others where the spark spread is favourable, investments are higher. And what is the future of cogeneration? In the medium to long term, cogeneration powered by biogas and biomethane will make it possible to achieve the decarbonisation targets.
Original language: English
Origin: Belgium
Hans Korteweg
Managing Director, COGEN Europe
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