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                      Biomethane in Germany: the difference between the compliance market and the voluntary market


                      The biomethane market is divided into a compliance market and a voluntary market.  In the compliance market, biomethane is used to meet renewable energy targets in the mobility, industry, energy and heating sectors.  In the voluntary market, on the other hand, it is used on a voluntary basis to reduce carbon emissions or to obtain a specific carbon footprint for products.  In Germany, the import of biomethane is possible for both market types. Over the next few years, explains Diego Radlmaier from bmp greengas, demand in compliance markets is expected to grow, driven by the increasing share of greenhouse gas reductions and the obligations of the naval, industrial and heating sectors.

                      Diego Radlmaier

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                      Converting biogas plants to biomethane: the challenge lies in the authorisation process

                      Franco Ferrario
                      Market and policy

                      From diesel to biomethane: here's how to convert vehicles

                      Roberto Roasio
                      Sustainable mobility

                      The Nordic gas ecosystem of Gasum to meet the growing demand for biomethane

                      Henning Singelsö
                      Applications and technologies

                      Biomethane for the Italian Hard-to-Abate sector: the role of the service provider in the direct consumer-producer relationship

                      Fabio Santorum
                      Applications and technologies

                      Biomethane for decarbonising the steel industry: interview with Tata Steel

                      Paul Vonk
                      Applications and technologies

                      In Sweden, a natural reserve of biomethane created by a meteorite millions of years ago

                      Terje Hauan
                      Applications and technologies

                      Biomethane for companies subject to the EU ETS: how to facilitate the meeting of supply and demand

                      Matteo Melotti
                      Applications and technologies


                      Guarantees of Origin (GO) for biomethane/RNG in titbits: the impact of the incentive decrees
                      Guarantees of Origin (GO) for biomethane/RNG in titbits: How do they work?
                      Guarantees of Origin (GO) for biomethane/RNG in titbits: the ABC
                      3 videos

                      Italy: Guarantees of Origin (GO) for Biomethane in a Nutshell

                      From the plant to the grid: everything you need to know about biomethane injection into the grid in Europe
                      EBA: Standards for biomethane/RNG, a fundamental element to facilitate its adoption
                      EBA: biohydrogen, another valuable ally for the net zero objective
                      8 videos

                      A chat with EBA - European Biogas Association

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                      NetZero Tube: the path towards the energy transition

                      Climate change is a challenge and at the same time an opportunity. NetZeroTube collects ideas, insights, guides, experiences and interviews in the form of videos to accompany you on the path towards the energy transition. A path to take thanks to the energy of cogeneration, biogas and biomethane/RNG.

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