The Artsana Group continues its commitment to sustainability with a trigeneration plant in its Verolanuova production unit
Industry and tertiary sector
The Artsana Group is an Italian multinational company, leader in the field of baby care with brands such as Chicco, Boppy and Fiocchi di Riso. Founded in 1946, today the company has grown to over 8,500 employees distributed across the 21 active branches worldwide and the 4 production units in Europe, two of which are located in Italy in Gessate (MI) and Verolanuova (BS). Specifically, in this plant the company manufactures childcare products (from car seats and strollers to nipples and baby bottles). Each year over 800 tons of raw materials and 105 million components are processed in the Verolanuova production unit. An important and highly strategic production site on which the Group wanted to invest in terms of economic and environmental sustainability, with the installation of a 900 kW trigeneration plant, coupled to an absorber designed to use the heat produced by the plant for heating and cooling the working environments. The goal is to make this system work an average of 5,400-5,600 hours/year, guaranteeing about half of the plant’s electricity needs and a 20-30% of its thermal needs, with a consequent CO2 reduction of approximately 500 t/year.
Original language: Italian
Origin: Italy
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