Tools to support cogeneration in the USA: the DOE CHP Deployment Programm, CHP for Resilience Accelerator and eCatalog
Market and policy
Bruce Hedman, DOE CHP Deployment Program consultant briefly explains the scope of program: the aim is to promote energy efficiency practices and the adoption of efficient technologies. In addition, the CHP for Resilience Accelerator was developed within the Department of Energy, aimed at promoting the use of cogeneration in support of critical infrastructure for specific projects. Downstream of this program the DG for Resilience Planning Guide was established, which clarifies the concept of resilience and defines which infrastructures can be considered as critical. Finally, Bruce Hedman illustrates the CHP eCatalog, a comprehensive portal that shows the types of cogeneration plants available and allows interested users and suppliers to connect.
Original language: English
Origin: USA
Bruce Hedman
Managing Director, Entropy Research LLC
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