100% green municipalities in Brazil thanks to biomethane and Naturgy projects
Applications and technologies
Naturgy Brazil, the Brazilian division of the Naturgy Group, a Spanish multinational operating in the energy sector, aims to develop distribution networks powered 100% with biomethane in the regions of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. To achieve this goal, the initiative starts from municipalities located in areas remote from the main network. In these locations, local gas pipelines are built that are subsequently connected to the main network, transporting the gas using trailers and trucks. In the long term, these municipalities are expected to be transformed into "green municipalities" that exclusively rely on 100% biomethane. To learn more about these projects and Naturgy, let's take a closer look with Christiane Delart.
Original language: Portuguese
Origin: Brazil
Christiane Delart
Director of Management of the gas distribution system, Naturgy Brazil
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