Biomethane for the Apulia region: between Xylella and slow authorisation processes
From a sector and a region affected by Xylella, a bacterium that has caused the death and felling of millions of olive trees, a positive signal is coming towards the development of biomethane plants. Apulia and the olive-growing sector are not discouraged and are looking for solutions to fight the bacterium to continue the region’s excellent oil production and to ride the wave of the MD 2022 and of the PNRR (Italy’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan) for the construction of new biomethane plants from pomace and by-products. However, slow authorisation processes also seem to be holding back the momentum of the biomethane sector. So how should it move forward? Our expert Lorenzo Maggioni talked about it with Gianpaolo Cassese, an agricultural entrepreneur, formerly a member of the Agriculture Committee of the Chamber of Deputies.