Fill 29

ENGIE aims at 10 TWh of biomethane per year by 2030

Applications and technologies

ENGIE aims to achieve a production of 10 terawatt hours per year of biomethane by 2030, multiplying the current capacity concentrated in France, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands by 10, with expansions planned in Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain and Poland. The main barriers to overcome include the need to educate customers on the value of biomethane, ensure access to sustainable raw materials, achieve binding regulations at the European level and develop an efficient market. Public acceptance and enhancement of digestate, currently considered waste in some legislations, are crucial in order to unlock the full potential of anaerobic digestion. The management of biogenic CO2 also requires an appropriate certification framework. 

Original language: English
Origin: Europe


Sébastien Wagemans
Chief Business Development Officer Renewable Gases Europe, ENGIE

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