Italy: 3 years after the Biomethane/RNG bis Decree, how is the sector developing? Let’s take stock of the situation with the Italian Biogas Consortium
Market and policy
Three years have already elapsed since the Italian Decree on Biomethane was issued on March 2, 2018. Since then, we are at a total of 24 operating plants, with an overall production of about 200 million m3 of biomethane/RNG a year. While there is still a considerable amount of work to be done to reach the 1.1 billion m3 biomethane/RNG target for the transport sector, prospects are very good, particularly in the agricultural sector, where there is great potential yet to be harnessed. Are we on the right path? What uncertainties remain to be solved? Let’s find out in this Web Talk with the Italian Biogas Consortium.
Original language: Italian
Origin: Italy
Lorenzo Maggioni
Head of R&D, CIB
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