Biomethane/RNG in Emilia-Romagna: past and future projects for the development of the supply chain
Market and policy
With 15.5% of total biogas production, Emilia Romagna ranks as the second largest producer in Italy after Lombardy’s Electrical Services Operator (GSE). This shows a real interest in biomethane/RNG production, with a potential fluctuating around a production of 350 million cubic metres per year. The regional government has also proved to be at the forefront of this sector providing support to various projects, such as the GoBioM launched in 2017, funded by the EU and backed by the CRPA (Research Centre on Animal Production). The project focused on optimising the biomethane technology chain in the Region, with studies on upgrading technologies, quality parameters for injecting gas into the grid, as well as liquefaction.
Original language: Italian
Origin: Italy
Sergio Piccinini
Environment Area Manager, CRPA (Centro Ricerche Produzioni Animali)
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