Focus on the biomethane sector in Ireland at the RGFI - Ireland Biomethane Pathway to 2030 event
Market and policy
A sector in turmoil and an exceptional growth potential. The conference organised by the RGFI – Renewable Gas Forum Ireland was a success and gave the over 300 participants the opportunity to discuss the recent National Biomethane Strategy. The National Biomethane Strategy lays the foundations for the development of the sector, allocating €40 million in funding and contributing significantly to the achievement of the national biomethane production target, equal to 5.7 TWh of biomethane by 2030. However, there are still many aspects to clarify and points to improve. So what are the real prospects for the industry? We talked about it with the CEO of RGFI.
Original language: English
Origin: Ireland
PJ McCarthy
CEO, Renewable Gas Forum Ireland
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