In France, a new biomethane/RNG plant is connected to the grid every week
Market and policy
The growth of the biomethane/RNG sector in France continues. After closing 2019 with a 73% growth in the quantity of biomethane injected into the gas grid compared to 2018, expectations are that 2020 will also close with satisfactory data. In the first half of 2020, in fact, the number of connections to the grid saw a 20% growth and by the end of the year it is expected that there will be more than 200 connected units. As Jean-Marie Gauthey, Head of European Affairs at GRDF, explained in this web talk, this is thanks to the undisputed advantages associated with the use of biomethane/RNG, which has a positive impact not only on the energy sector, but also on the agricultural and agro-ecological sectors.
Original language: English
Origin: France
Jean-Marie Gauthey
Head of European Affairs, GRDF
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