Market Market Biogas and biomethane/RNG in Brazil: WebTalk with ABiogás – the Brazilian Biogas Association
Market and policy
Gabriel Kropsch, Vice President of ABiogás – the Brazilian Biogas Association, spoke to us about biogas in Brazil: from the first plants to the new projects in the works, from incentives at the state and federal level to obstacles still to be overcome to help the diffusion of this technology. In Brazil, as in other locations, attention is currently focused on the new frontier of biomethane/RNG as an alternative fuel and on the extraordinary potential the country offers in terms of raw materials that are available for producing both biogas and biomethane.
Collected during the World Biogas eFestival, promoted by the World Biogas Association
Original language: English
Origin: Brazil
Gabriel Kropsch
Vice President, Abiogás - Associação Brasileira de Biogás e Biometano
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