BioLNG to reduce emissions up to 121.6% compared with diesel: here are the data from the Cnr-iia study promoted by CIB and Iveco
Applications and technologies
Traveling while reducing CO2 is a paradox that is possible. This is demonstrated by the Study carried out and presented by the Institute on Air Pollution (iia) of the National Research Council (Cnr-iia), promoted by CIB and Iveco. The study assesses the environmental impact of different fuels with a particular focus on agricultural biomethane/RNG and measures CO2 emissions with a well-to-wheels approach (from well to wheel), thus considering the entire supply chain, from production to use. The results obtained show that in the mobility sector, bio-LNG (liquefied biomethane) allows the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by up to 121.6% compared with the use of diesel and a reduction of 65% in nitrogen dioxide.
Original language: Italian
Origin: Italy
Valerio Paolini
Researcher, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
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