Biomethane for decarbonising the steel industry: interview with Tata Steel


Tata Steel, one of Europe’s leading steel producers, is exploring biomethane as an alternative to decarbonise its production, currently reliant on coal. Biomethane, being sustainable and chemically similar to natural gas, is ideal for industrial processes that require carbon. Moreover, synergies with other renewable energy sources are significant, but large volumes of biomethane are needed to ensure its effectiveness. The industry is fragmented by differing regulations across Europe, and greater simplification and regulatory harmonisation are crucial to facilitate imports and efficient use at production sites.

Paul Vonk

The latest


Italy: Over 300 applications in the fifth biomethane auction, 2030 target within reach

Paolo Arrigoni
Market and policy

E-Methane and biogas: a possible synergy

Bijan Antoine Cour
Applications and technologies

Biogas from woody biomass: the Life Steam project

Mattias Erixon
Applications and technologies

France: a new aggregation model to make biomethane more accessible

Florent Thouminot
Applications and technologies

The European Commission presents the Clean Industrial Deal

Anna Venturini
Market and policy

Germany: the role of biomethane in the GHG quota mechanism

Karin Naumann
Sustainable mobility

Understanding how BPA and CPB instruments work with ATEE

Raphaël Boukobza
Market and policy


Guarantees of Origin (GO) for biomethane/RNG in titbits: the impact of the incentive decrees
Guarantees of Origin (GO) for biomethane/RNG in titbits: How do they work?
Guarantees of Origin (GO) for biomethane/RNG in titbits: the ABC
3 videos

Italy: Guarantees of Origin (GO) for Biomethane in a Nutshell

From the plant to the grid: everything you need to know about biomethane injection into the grid in Europe
EBA: Standards for biomethane/RNG, a fundamental element to facilitate its adoption
EBA: biohydrogen, another valuable ally for the net zero objective
8 videos

A chat with EBA - European Biogas Association

Case history

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NetZero Tube: the path towards the energy transition

Climate change is a challenge and at the same time an opportunity. NetZeroTube collects ideas, insights, guides, experiences and interviews in the form of videos to accompany you on the path towards the energy transition. A path to take thanks to the energy of cogeneration, biogas and biomethane/RNG.